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9 posts
Good Fruit & Fresh Springs: Unraveling the Chiastic Structure & Old Testament Allusions of James 3:9-12
Become a Drunk Pastor Patron Support ongoing work & gain exclusive access to Patreon-only content, perks, and community features. Help begin the community that will help shape the future of…
The Impossible Task of Taming Our Tongues: Noahic Allusions in James 3:1-8
*This is the draft of a guest post I submitted to another website, available here for Patreon members. The second part is on Drunk Pastor and Patreon members have early access to it.
Leaving Our Fathers & Mothers: A Dilemma of Fear and Faith
At the end of Genesis 2, right before the shrewd serpent enters the next chapter, it states, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast…
The Hypocrisy of Outrage: The Drag Queen Last Supper Controversy
The recent Olympics Drag Queen 'Last Supper' controversy riled everyone up, including me—not because it happened, but because of how Christians engaged with it. One pastor posted his concern about the Christian outrage and vehement rhetoric. It went viral. The comments railed against him were harsh, to have more confidence in calling sin "sin" and confronting the evil in the world, that he was sinning by approving of sin. Here's the thing: those comments are evil and sinful. That pastor did call out sin and sinners wouldn't have it. Such reactions reflect a Christian's inability to address their lack of love, faith, and hope, revealing their unaddressed sins. The demand to throw the first stone, I'm sorry people, is a sin. If you're holding a rock in your hand (or have just thrown one), you can't walk away from Jesus without your name written in the sand.
Rediscovering the Matriarch: Sarah’s Legacy
We humans love simplicity. We reduce intricate complexities to black and white, ignoring the intricate complexities of nature and reducing the supernatural to a set of rules that would make a great board game. We do the same thing with the Bible - we paint over the whole with whatever flavor we wish to taste. The joint nature of Abraham's blessing often escapes notice. We often let Sarah play a background role in Abraham's story. But God didn't relegate her to the sidelines. He told Abraham, "As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. I will bless her, and moreover, I will give you a son by her. I will bless her, and she shall become nations; kings of peoples shall come from her" (Genesis 17:15-16). The promise was for both. Also, God told Abraham that he could not call him "my" princess anymore. She is a princess, with or without Abraham.
A Tale of Two Paths: Blessing and Curse in Genesis
The book of Genesis opens with a beautiful image: God creating the world, declaring it "good," and showering it with blessings. But beneath the surface of this paradise lurks another theme: the curse. From the moment Adam and Eve's eyes are opened, humanity's relationship with both blessing and curse unfolds. It keeps playing through out Genesis until chapter 50.
Unmasking Love: Beyond the Facade of Validation
Genesis 2:25 tells us humanity was "naked" and "unashamed." That's right before the serpent messed up our narratives. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they saw themselves differently. Shame showed up, and everything changed. It makes sense, then, that whatever God would do to fix the world would involve dealing with that shame. Shame gets in the way of love for us humans.
Work the Earth, not People –
Become a Drunk Pastor Patron Support ongoing work & gain exclusive access to Patreon-only content, perks, and community features. Help begin the community that will help shape the future of…